A Second Chance for Amber

A Second Change for Amber…

Amber was a sweet, little black dog with big brown eyes and large ears. Her family was unable to care for her, so they brought her to the Placer SPCA knowing that we would take good care of her and find her a loving family. However, we noticed that she had a wobbly back leg and an abnormal gait. We had x-rays taken and found out her pelvis was fractured in multiple places. Although we could see that she had undergone orthopedic surgery to repair her fracture with plates and pins, it was obvious that she was in a lot of pain.

You gave Amber her second chance…

Thanks to the generosity of friends like you, our team was able to give Amber the care she needed. She was seen by an internal medicine specialist to check for any other problems. She had her teeth cleaned and some diseased teeth were removed. Amber was started on special medication so she would no longer be in pain. Because she needed extra attention, we placed her with a nice foster family. They couldn’t resist her charm. They fell in love with her and decided they wanted to adopt her. But while she was recovering, we discovered she had a lung tumor.

We shared this devastating news with her foster family. They discussed the diagnosis and the prognosis. They decided they still wanted to adopt Amber so she could have a loving, caring home for the rest of her days, no matter how much time that time may be. Amber is a happy girl who loves her new home and her new family!