Believe you can make a difference for special animals like Korbin.

Believe you can make a difference for special animals like Korbin.

Your compassion saves vulnerable animals in Placer County – every day! With a gift to the Placer SPCA, you’re ensuring they receive food and shelter, love and care… and we are deeply grateful.

Whatever you give will change the lives of animals like Korbin, a small, mixed-breed dog who almost didn’t make it.

He was found at a local park with a severe and suspicious injury to his head. You may have heard of Korbin already and followed his story in the news; this little guy captured the hearts and minds of our entire community. His wound was so severe that his skull was exposed, and it took round-the-clock care to treat him – both physically and emotionally.

BUT – as weeks turned to months, Korbin made a miraculous recovery. And along the way, his gentle and trusting disposition inspired us all. Finally, our vets gave Korbin the all clear for adoption. Today he lives with a wonderful family, and he’s giving (and receiving) an abundance of holiday cheer.

Korbin’s recovery simply would not have been possible without the generosity of people like you, and we are so grateful. But so many more animals in our community still need your help…

Winter is especially harsh, and our shelter will be especially crowded. Like Korbin, many of the animals we see are in critical need of care. We must do everything possible to save them! And we’re depending on you.

Please support our 2017 Holiday Fund Drive by donating today. You’ll ensure helpless animals receive love, care, and new families.

Many more cats and dogs just like Korbin have you to thank for their second chances in life. On their behalf, we are truly grateful. Please believe you can make a difference- and give the most generous donation possible today.