Behavior & Training
Many animals find their way into shelters because of behavioral issues or concerns that have become overwhelming for their owners to handle. In many cases, had the animals been exposed to some form of behavior and obedience training, their situations would have been far more manageable. Our Behavior Department strives to understand an animal’s behavior and then take the necessary steps to modify unsatisfactory behavior. By doing this, we can help to promote a happy, healthy human-animal relationship for the animals in our care, as well as serve as a resource to local pet owners.
Behavior Information Sheets:
Click here for handouts to help with many common behavior issues, such as introducing a new dog to your household, barking, litter box training for cats, and more.
Free Behavior Helpline:
Call or email with your questions and concerns regarding your animal’s behavior: (916) 782-7722, ext. 3002 or email
Free One-on-One Consultations:
For information regarding One-on-One Consultations, please contact our Behavior Helpline at(916) 782-7722, ext. 3002 or email
Free week of Good Pup training service:
Receive your first week free, and 20% off for life when you sign up for Good Pup, one-on-one virtual training sessions, using our link.
Dog Behavior Problem Information
Cat Behavior Problem Information
Case History Form
Thanks to our friends at California Animal Welfare Funders Collaborative a GoodPup behavior training voucher will be complimentary in the adoption of 136 eligible dogs at Placer SPCA. Look for the light blue sticker on the photos of the available dogs that include GoodPup behavior training in their adoption package.