Save Twice as Many Lives



Your generous gift will double in value if you give before September 30th!


Every time you give an animal a second chance you give them the promise of a better life. 

And now, when animals need you more than ever, I’d like to share how you can save twice as many lives! A private family foundation has offered to match — DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR — every donation Placer SPCA receives before September 30th … up to $20,000! 

There has never been a more powerful time to give. And, in these challenging, uncertain times, the need has never been greater. This is an incredible opportunity to save even more animals through your support. 

Please use the donation form below to send your gift in before midnight on September 30th to make the most of this incredible offer!

This has been such a difficult year for animals in need … and our resources are stretched. Right now, you can help twice as many animals receive the care and healing they deserve. Right now your support will save even more lives.

With your caring support, twice as many animals will find safety, good health, and love. Your generosity will give them a second chance for a happy future. Please give today. 

On behalf of those who can’t speak for themselves, thank you. 

   With hope and gratitude, 

   Leilani Fratis
   Chief Executive Officer