Lost & Found


Lost & Found

I’ve lost my pet

Step 1: Check the found animals page. The found animals page lists stray animals that have been brought to the Placer SPCA within the last 5 days. Please read the animal descriptions carefully, as pictures are not always provided in this list.

Step 2: Visit Placer SPCA Intake Center at 150 Corporation Yard Road in Roseville to view the animals received in person.

Step 3: Visit other local shelters. Placer SPCA is only able to accept stray animals from the City of Roseville. If you do not find your lost animal at our facility, you should continue your search at other local animal shelters.

Click here for a list of other animal facilities in the area.

Step 4: Submit a lost pet form and photo to the Placer SPCA. The Placer SPCA helps to reunite lost pets with their owners by keeping a record of lost pet reports which are available to the public. You can download a dog or cat form which you can fill out and drop off in person, or mail, fax or email to us. Please include a photo. The Placer SPCA will keep this information in our Lost and Found book at the front counter.

Lost Cat
Lost Dog

Step 5: Please keep us informed. Keep in touch with us and let us know when you have been reunited with your companion animal so we can keep our records up to date. This is very important as an up-to-date record ensures that we are able to better serve others who have also lost animals.

Once you have been reunited with your lost companion animal friend, bring him or her to the Placer SPCA during business hours to have a microchip implanted, or ask your veterinarian about microchips.

Please note: Due to the quantity of animals received each day, user errors occur while entering animal descriptions into the found animals page. Therefore, we highly recommend that you also come to the Placer SPCA in Roseville to view animals received in person.

I’ve found a pet

If you found a cat, please take a moment to read our “Should I Rescue This Cat?” handout to determine if the cat is an owned outdoor cat or a lost cat.

Found kittens? Please review this handout before proceeding.

Step 1: Take the pet to a local veterinarian or animal shelter so they can be scanned for a microchip. Hopefully, this is all it will take for the pet to be reunited with its owner.

Step 2: If no microchip or ID tag provides owner information, please contact your local animal shelter(s) and provide them information on the pet you found. It is helpful to provide as much information on identifiable traits such as breed, sex, color of collar, special markings, approximate weight, etc. You may want to come to the Placer SPCA to check our Lost and Found book, to see if the pet’s owner has submitted a Lost form. Please complete one of the information forms below and submit along with a photo if possible.

Found Cat
Found Dog

Step 3: Post found listings in local newspapers or online databases, such as Craigslist or PetFinder.

Step 4: Post flyers around the area in which the pet was found with the date you found the animal.

Step 5: Before reuniting the pet with its “owner,” don’t be afraid to ask the “owner” to provide a description of the animal and a name to see if the pet responds.