Emergency Rabbit Rescue

Emergency Rabbit Rescue

Placer SPCA is critically caring for over 100 rabbits rescued from a single home in Roseville earlier this week—marking an unprecedented challenge for our organization. While we regularly care for hundreds of surrendered dogs, cats, and other animals each week, managing this overwhelming number of rabbits at once has stretched our resources to the limit.

As Leilani Fratis, CEO of Placer SPCA, said, “It’s almost like responding to a disaster. The disaster is 100-plus rabbits.”

Our dedicated veterinary and animal care team rapidly transformed a number of rooms in our facility to house these rabbits temporarily. Our veterinarians have examined each rabbit, finding many in poor condition, with some suffering from respiratory infections, open sores, and other health issues requiring specialized treatment.

This situation serves as a stark reminder of the critical role we play in providing immediate care to animals in crisis. It also underscores the urgent need for community support to continue our lifesaving work.

We’re asking for your immediate help to ensure these rabbits receive the care they deserve.

– Make a Donation: Your financial contribution will directly fund the medical care, nutrition, and safety of these rabbits and other animals in need at Placer SPCA.

To provide immediate, lifesaving help for these rabbits, please donate at www.placerspca.org/support/donate.

Most Needed Items:

Timothy Hay

– X-pen

– Rabbit Water Bottles

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Gold Country Media