There’s one name no animal deserves…

Far too many animals have nowhere to call home. Please help!

The streets are a sad, lonely place for cats, dogs, kittens and puppies without homes.

Hunger gnaws at empty bellies. No soothing voice or gentle hand offers comfort. Fear becomes a way of life. Fortunately, with help from friends like you, the Placer SPCA offers a safe haven, nourishing food and medical care for homeless animals. But what these animals really need is a loving home they can call their own.

Piper was so fortunate that a kind stranger coaxed her into his car and brought her here. This shepherd mix was dirty and malnourished, her back was irritated and rashy, and she was desperate for human affection. Thanks to your support, we met all of her needs, restoring her health and filling her life with love. Very soon, Piper was adopted into a loving family!

Meanwhile, Sydney and her four kittens (who we named Scott, Ashley, Matt, and Veronica) were found by an elderly couple behind their backyard shed. wanting to help, the homeowners fed the cats – but the two were quickly overwhelmed by Sydney’s demands for more food and attention. Alarmed by this growing dependency, the elderly couple brought the felines to the Placer SPCA. We spayed and neutered Sydney and her kittens and gave them all their vaccinations. One by one, the five cats were adopted. Like Piper, they’re homeless no more!

But not every cat and dog finds a home so easily. After they arrive here at our center, we still have the challenge of finding just the right family to give them a forever home.

Our costs to care for these cats and dogs have been rising steadily. That’s why your support today is so critical – the Placer SPCA depends on friends like to you to help cover these expenses until we can find them all homes.

While we do all we can to help these vulnerable animals, at times their needs can be overwhelming. You’ve been such a wonderful friend to the Placer SPCA. Could you find it in your heard to donate whatever you can afford today to help find loving homes for helpless animals?

Your kind gift will help provide shelter, nourishing food and medical care while they wait – and will even support spaying and neutering to reduce the number of homeless cats and dogs.

Thank you for your friendship and support!